
ably hate me for it now,but they really were fun to just
talk to..That reminds me,I have to go to a party that Dan
and Wendy are giving for just her closest friends.That includes
evemne in my little gang.Luckily,she didn't invite anyone
from other schools.,because I hate it when someone does that.
When other people come to these things,they usually do
things that make the party boring.I have to leave now,but
I'll be back.This should be fun.
The party was the biggest bare I've ever seen*I had to
act like I liked it or I'd face the terrors of Wendy Cross
being mad.All anyone did was talk to each other about stu-
pid things.After the party was the worst part.All of us were
in a carpoal except for Paula Dixon.She had to leave early
with her father.I thought the end would be the best part .be-
cause all of us would sit around waiting for about an hour
for the two cars to pick us up. Someone managed to disconneot^^
the phones so we couldn't call.7/e were all sitting: around
for about five minutes when I realized they were all making
out while I was talking.Since this was a public place,no one's
parents were hanging around.I looked at the clock and saw
that I had a half hour to wait for my ride to get here.There
were two cars coming to get us,and they were both coming at
the same time,so I couldn't get on the early ride for sure.
Sa I walked out-, in the. moonlight end waited.
"Where are those bastards?"I said a§ unsarcastical^
as I could.I didn't want anyone, to hear me,so It didn't
seem, very loud,but I was in an area where everything you
said was carried far a few thousand feet*T felt out of placd^^
for the first time I was around these people*! guess it's
because Paula wasn't there.If she was there,oh,I guess it
doesn't matter,they're still my friends.I wonder if they
heard me in there.
I called Paula the next day ..She felt so sorry for me
that she insisted we both go to the mall together and for-
get about all those other people.This was going to be a
great day.She set the date for tomorrow,and even though I
- Author
- mark thomas